Arielle Bradberry is a young women who grew up in a small town and lived a fairly simple life until she reached adulthood. A mom, a wife and Human Resources Specialist who has decided it's time to share her horrific story with the world. A loving mother who will do anything in her power to help end the stigma of mental health so that her children grow up in a world where people talk about their mental health and are not shamed or judged. A passionate writer who has been writing her novel for five years in hopes to make a difference in the world.

What excites you?
Seeing positive reviews I receive on amazon about my book. I am excited to see I am making a difference in peoples lives.
What matters to you?
My family and their wellbeing matters the most to me.
What drives you?
My innate need to help others. I wrote my memoir in order to help people understand that they are not alone, educate my readers and help end the stigma around mental health.
What do you stand for?
I am a mental health advocate
What causes are special to your heart?
Mental health
How has your memoir allowed you to better advocate for others who are going through what you've been through?
My memoir has encouraged me to create an Instagram solely on mental health. I constantly provide resources and my own feelings to help advocate for others.
My memoir helped me understand my own illness and how I can help others truly understand how it feels to suffer with mental illness.
What's the difference you want to make?
I want to make a huge difference in educating the public more about what it feels like to suffer from mental illness. I plan on using proceeds to help those in need. It is important to me that I make others feel less alone and that there is support and help out there.
What are you most grateful for in your life?
My family. I am so lucky that I was able to have two beautiful boys. I am so grateful I have the best family and extended family who is so encouraging and supportive.
If there's one message you want to leave readers with, what would it be?
Your story is so important, don't be afraid to be heard.
How will you share your story?